This is not an active job posting but rather a call for expressions of interest for a potential future role.

The AWF is interested in connecting with fundraising professionals at various career stages for a future Fund Development role. We welcome expressions of interest from both early-career fundraisers and experienced development professionals. The role will focus on expanding our grantmaking capacity through developing fundraising strategies, building relationships with major donors and institutional funders, and effectively communicating our impact in alleviating animal suffering globally. We're looking for highly organized individuals with experience in fundraising or donor relations and a strong understanding of effective altruism and/or effective animal advocacy.

We encourage you to submit an expression of interest even if you're not immediately available. Expressing your interest now allows us to contact you for future opportunities that may arise in the near future.

If you would like to learn what we offer at AWF, you can see our Fund Manager job description here.

Interested? Please fill out this brief form to express your interest. We'll reach out when we're actively recruiting for this position.

If you know of anyone who might be a good fit for this role, please forward this document to them and encourage them to express interest.

For questions, contact [email protected]